From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Dazed & Confused at SDSU

i go to the living room coffee shop at SDSU area to study and at midnight when my buddy and i go to the burrito place down the street, we notice the following.
a shit load of girls are walking around in bikinis and bunny ears. apparently, someone threw a playboy mansion/bunnies themed party. the guys were all in robes and swimwear and the girls were freezing their asses off practically naked in the middle of san diego. one couple was so horny that they were full on having sex on a bench outside a burrito stand, right in front of everyone to seem, i mean full on pseudomissionary style sex that you can have with your clothes still sort of on but not really because people have zippers and underwear can easily be tugged aside. it's like these kids are animals who have no shame or something. they say some study found that sd state has the highest std rate than any other university in the country, i'm not surprised.
but in the coffeeshop, the picture is not that brighter. here are some great conversations from sorority girls who bless us with their presence and cell phones:
"like becky isn't talking to shawna anymore because she like, um, changed her myspace top 8 and took her off of it and shawna was like, that's just not cool and so she like got mad at her cause it was like a big diss and so now, they're like still not talking."
the coolest thing abotu this place is probably that there's an ethiopian population there and they study there and they're so nice polite and studious that they create a friendly environment conducive to studying. for anyone who cares, here is my clerkship schedule, it's the bottom up approach: easiest blocks first, and hardest last. i always like to end with a bang, not a whimper:
ob/gyn, psych, Peds, Neuro, Peds (2), Medicine, Surgery, and year-long Family Medicine for primary care.
Now i just have to pass these damn classes and start studying for the most importanbt test of my professional life.


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