From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


They say that board scores are inversely related to social skills, this has actually been proven in several studies. Dermatologists have among the highest board scores because it's a high paying lifestyle specialty and well, many dermatologists just are plain assholes. point being:
attending: Let's get a consult on this rash, I'm not comfortable with it
my chief: Reza, we want you to learn to be an intern, you're gonna practice and get comfortable doing consults, checking labs, all that
me: great, i'm on it.

later on that day... calling the derm consult.

-Hi, I'm Reza from the peds team, I'm calling to ask for a consult.
- Who are you? he replies
-I'm the med student on the peds team
-Why are they having a med student call me? he replies angrily. sounding insulted.
-Well, the intern on the case is sitting next to me, I'm just helping out
-Give the phone to the doctor.

great... never mind I know the patient inside out and I know what's going on. I wanted to say:
listen man, I'm a good student and I know what's going on here and you need to get over yourself and just hear me give you a one minute consult it's not that big a deal, this is a teaching hospital after all and further more, your ass should be thanking me, how often do we even get a derm consult? no one dies from skin diseases, well very rarely do they, and even then we usually get a infectious disease consult because you guys are too wimpy to even handle mrsa most of the time so if anything i'm kinda doing you a favor here and get over your damn self, i mean are you so important in derm land that you can't talk to a student when the bad ass cardiologist can? it's not like you're so stressed out running around not saving lives and popping pimples and prescribing hydrocortisone that you can't at least be polite about it.

but i didn't say that, i just gave the phone to the intern and got ticked off deep down inside and here i'm venting
c'est la vie
the kids gave me some obnoxious cold that everyone in med school seems to be getting.
only 25 days till winter break!


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