New Apartment New Life
Hi Friends,
Wanted to let everyone know I've already got my life in San Diego all hashed out.
I, by sheer luck, got off the University's subsidized apartment waiting list. Usually students have to wait until their second year to get these apartments but since I got in so early I got on the waitlist back in October and it just so happened my turn came up.
My apartment is five minutes from campus in a fairly newly built complex with two small swimming pools, a jacuzzi, tennis courts, a small workout room and a study lounge. There's unlimited parking -- BIG change from life at UCLA -- for me and all my friends included in the rent, and there's even a security guard that goes around all night. It's a gated community and it's very very San Diego in atmosphere and attitude in the sense that it's quiet, shady (not as in sketchy but as in many palm trees) and laid back.
You can check out it's website at
My roommates are nice peeps: there's Jack Bierle who's getting a PhD in Organic Chemistry at the Scripps Institute which is supposed to be the big-league of chemistry research. I know it sounds really nerdy but he's actually nothing like my college o-chem TA's. I met this fellow while I was at Strasbourg visiting my friend Bethanie.
Then there's Jordan who's a third-year undergrad. He's one of my former residents and unicamp counselor's friend's boyfriend and though I don't know much about him, I'm fairly confident he's sane and will be nice to live with.
and that's it on my new life.
Classes start June 21st for the summer program and end august 13th. Then the real academic year starts August 31st and ends in June.