From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Monday, November 29, 2004

the ER goes black

I was having a hard day...

a restless night I had had and I was working under 4 hours of sleep

i was sick, with a sore throat

i was hungry without much food for the day except for a cup of coffee for breakfast if that counts and a egg mcmuffin i got during class break

and most importantly, i was severely dehydrated from all that coffee

well i was helping the doctor put in an IV into a sickle cell patient's jugular vein (that's in the neck) and it was a fat needle
i was totally cool with it, keeping my calm and trying to keep the young pateint calm when suddenly i started getting light headed. i shook up a little and tried to concentrate when i started to feel like i was about to lose it. suddenly i said "i'm sorry doctor campbell but i have to leave" and just as i was walking out everything started blacking out. apparently, the nurse saw me passing out and grabbed me before i hit the floor. next thing i know i'm in a wheelchair and someone's yelling "keep your head down and keep taking shallow breaths, you're vagovasal"

slowly, my vision comes back and next thing i know i'm handed crackers with some juice

i recovered and in ten minutes went back to work but man, that was scary.
i still don't think it was the blood but rather the stress of it mixed with dehydration and my cold although jack disagrees (there i used your name on the blog, let's see if you catch it).

Saturday, November 27, 2004

My Kind of Politician

Someone get this guy to run for governor!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

More Red Marks

I got what I thought was a razor burn on my lower right chin. Next thing I know it gets bloody and infected.
Before I know what's happening, red pimple-like stuff keep popping up around my face and then it's on my hand!
i finally stop studying for a second, get a bunch of band aids and neosporin and cover up all the nastiness. Next day, I go to the doctor at urgent care and it turns out i have a staph infection of my hair follicles!!! nasty. I'm on some hardcore antibiotics and it's the middle of finals week -- a really hard one tomorrow and I'm walking around looking like i have small pox. Worst part: i can't shave for a couple more days -- can't spread the infection -- and this beard itches like a mother. this sucks. how did i get this freak infection anyways? i shower everyday, I swear.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Proof of rigging

just read it
and this one is another good one:

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Delerious at the Library

Having been in the library for ten hours, I get a bit delerious at times. I'm staring at the same page for ten minutes hoping the material seeps in through osmosis or suddenly i'll be granted with the gift of a photegenic memory, memorizing words like env and nef and how gag and pol code for RT and MA and CA and NC (Or was that just Pol that coded those?)...


hot chick walks by. man, this girl must be 90% titties.

concentrate Reza, damn it, there's a final on tuesday!.
I stare back at the page, thinking about gag and pol and env and then again, another hot chick walks by. she's wearing those jeans that are really low, ya know, the type that don't have the top of the jeans on where the belt would normally go, i think they're called low tops or lowrisers or something like that. man, the way those things stick to their ass like spandex and then the outline of their panties

concentrate! me thinks
then i stare back at my notes
but then i stare at girl one walking to the drinking fountain. next thing i know i'm imagining her naked.
get tired and i close my eyes. oh oh, she's back and now girl number 2 is there too except they're both naked!
waoh there... now they're kissing! holy smokes!
Reza concentrate damn it, you're gonna fail mo bio. this is HIV damn it, it's serious shit!!!!
so i wake up but i realize there is no point in trying. i pick up my stuff and walk over to ... that's righ, you guessed it... a freakin cubicle. and here i am now, trapped between three fake pent up walls surrounding a desk at the library, typing on a laptop.

how did i procrastinate so much. i think i was too preoccupied with that damn election.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Take That Idiots

So our guy lost the election. Why shouldn't those of us on the coasts feel superior? We eat better, travel more, dress better, watch cooler movies, earn better salaries, meet more interesting people, listen to better music and know more about what's going on in the world. If you voted for Bush, we accept that we have to share the country with you. We're adjusting to the possibility that there may be more of you than there are of us. But don't demand our respect. You lost it on November 2.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Red marks

There is a giant red mark on my neck. I wore a turtleneck to school today -- it was a cool day anyways -- to cover it and tried to avoid people all day. Didn't work.
People presumed and others inquired.
"It's a razor burn" I said.
They didn't buy it.
"It's a really bad mosquito bite"
Didn't buy it.
"I popped a really bad pimple."

Why are people so drawn to inquire about red marks on people's necks!!!! Leave me and my neck alone!!!!


Saturday, November 06, 2004

This picture was given courtesy of Wes Gifford from the great Jesus State of Nevada where prostitution and gambling and drinking are the main sources of revenue.

Bummed out

i'm still bummed out and ticked about the election. I don't get it:
a bunch of homophobic evangelical loony hicks decided that stopping men from having butt sex with each other is more important than the fact that we're losing jobs, stuck in a hopeless quagmire of a war, were lied to and decieved about WMD's, the rest of the world hates us, and that 40 million of us don't have any health care coverage.

I've lost all faith in this democracy... it's crap and I'm gonna stop caring, I promise, NO MORE POLITICAL DEBATES FROM ME... never ever ever again. it just ain't worth it because in the end, people are stupid anyways.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

i know

so things didn't go as i expected.... i know... we're all going to hell.

Monday, November 01, 2004

The pictures are up

that final was ass-rape but that's how EVERYONE felt about it so I'm confident I passed.

i felt so sick yesterday but i think my liver's all recovered now. in metabolism and bioenergetics i learned why our blood gets acidic when we drink... interesting stuff.

click on "pictures" in the left side bar.
the first page is stupid but the rest of the photos are on the following pages. the one of allen is hillarious, he looks so wasted.

Von, could you please send it to Warren's and ahooooo's email address for me or email me their email.

oh yeah... new polls: Kerry 298 Bush 231... it's a good day.