From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

New Rule

If you're wearing this shirt and you're a medical student, you're pretentious.

If you're wearing this shirt and you're a PRE-med student, youre EXTREMELY pretentious and probably too stupid to become a doctor.

If you're wearing this shirt and you're not in medicine whatsoever, well I guess it might be a little funny.

Imagine if they had this for every occupation. I'd love to see it, Kayvon can have a shirt saying:
"Trust Me, I'm Venture Capitalist" or Ev could run around wearing: "Trust me, I play baseball." In fact, everyone should run around making fun of what they do on their shirt, seriuosly, I see a new trend starting up... yeah... not so much. anyways, next time you see someone wearing this stupid ass shirt, will you please remember that they are a douchebag.
speaking of douche bags, an even better one: "Trust me, I've got protection." Now, THAT's funny shit.

Again, these print shirts suck.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Me the politician

So I went to Sacramento with the California Medical Association and got to schmooze with all the politicians over dinner and learn about lobbying politicians and promoting physicians' causes like access to care, medicare reimbursements etc. Rep Cristine Kehoe even gave us a tour of the Senate and Arnold's pretty assistant gave us a runthrough of the governor's office.
I was inspired, I'm going to apply to be the student rep on the CalPac committee. If they select me, I'll get to help the CMA decide which politicians to support in elections, meaning I'll get to learn a lot about whose running for the various races and more about how all this politics stuff works. I'm excited.

on another note, after talking to everyone i came to a conclusion: these politicians aren't really corrupt. in fact, they mean well and they are good people who are usually very ethical. it's just the special interests who know that they will agree with them help them come to power but it's not the other way around, people aren't buying votes, the problem is, we just don't like everyone's beliefs all the time. It was an interesting realization and i must say i am a lot less jaded.

on another note, i learned about the disadvantages of california's term limits, but that's for another blog posting later perhaps.

Internet Manho

First it way Blogspot, then it was friendster despite all my resistance, then it was Facebook, and now, it happened. MySpace. I refuse to update that shit though