From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Back home in LA

Well, my brief stint as the MC of Summer Study is over. I must say I had a good time. the best part, next to making new friends of course, was Dans le Noir, this amazing concept restaurant where you eat in the dark. the waitress was totall blind and it's true, not looking does enhance your sense of taste, i can distinctly remember how each serving tasted. what a great time... and the Chablis there is the best wine i ever tasted, worth every 15euros per bottle. check it out:

besides that, i had a great time making fun of the little richies with my staff member which i must say had its fair share of pretty girls. the pictures are below, judge for yourselves though nothing se passed between anyone as far as i know at least.

finally, i well impart on you a few words of wisdoms left to us by the students:

1- if this were new york, we'd be living in brooklyn (in reference to our not so bad hotel neighborhood)

2- yeah paris WOULD be pretty... if i were riding around in my limo.

3-kid throwing how many cups of wine did you have. him: 5. me: why? him: it's my first time drinking alcohol. me: you idiot!

4- I'm so fat, i need to lose weight. i tried anorexia, but it just didn't work.

5- the medical care at this place is horrible, Reza doesn't know anything... (hello, i'm standing right here you stupid idiot, and btw, take your tylenol!)

6- last time i had five cups of champagne at this casino in monaco and my daddy's friend just let me keep rolling the craps dye for him all night and it didn't matter i wasn't 21. me: i don't care, no more than one cup of champagne at moulin rouge!

now i'm back in the lab.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Back in Paris

life is hectic when you're the medical coordinator of a summer program for a bunch of spoiled suburban prada wearing american teenage primadonas.
point being:

i've noticed a lot of these girls are products of trophy wifes raising trophy daughters. they dress up in their skanky abercrombie miniskirts and walk around paris not realizing that this ain't no Westchester. Then they wonder why the boys on the metro keep yelling at them and making catcalls.

their medical problems are even more amusing. many suffer from a severe case of hyperchondria. The best example is probably the girl who thought the cyst on her wrist was a tumor. i had to calm her down and called a doctor. looks like Aleve (what the doctor prescribed) is really good at fixing wrist tumors.
and by all means, let's not forget about the kids who think a mere cold is the bubonic plague.

among the staff, there is already a certain amount of drama though nothing serious. for the most part, everyone gets along. my roommate is a half french half brit. finally, on my third visit, i have a bonafide french roommate who grew up in paris. the man's nose is seriously straight out of cyrano de bergerac though all the girls seem to dig it. and he's as tall and skinny as the eiffel tower (chuck came up with that one).

the most amusing part of the trip by far though is the vernacular of these kids. "like oh my God" is probably the expression i hear most. and why does every question have to be preluded by the phrase, "excuuuse me, but i like have a question:" for goodness sakes, just ask your dang question. i've even started telling them: New rule: you can't start questions with "i have a question..." Just ask your dang question, as long as you're not totally hypo-parasodic i will know that it is a question.

life is good...

Saturday, July 02, 2005


this guy stole my website idea!!!
no, we're not related

I'm glad to see

that when my name is mispronounced, it inspires other artists to change their name to it, become edgy, and come out with fairly refreshin R&B music.
check him out.