In the Navy
My 6week blitz at the naval hospital is over. i must admit, i was treated and taught well there. man, i feel like i've learned SO MUCH ob/gyn. so many triage patients, pap smears, colpos, deliveries, csections. i've amassed so much medical information.
here are some quirks about the naval hospital:
1. cheap ass food at the "galley". i'm talking 30cent scrambeled eggs, dollar sandwiches 15cents a soda, and it's all decent stuff too.
2. the naval language: people are ensigns, not nurses, attendings are commanders, the nurse of the month is Sailor of the Month, you get my drift, oh and labor and delivery deck supervisor is "deck dog"
3. stupid rules: if you talk on your cell while driving in the parking lot, a secuirty guard will harass you. you can't walk the hallways with scrubs without your white coat on. to get a parking permit you need a notarized letter from your parents saying you're allowed to drive their car if it's regisered under their name.
4. the interns are sometimes not so motivated. a favorite quote:
"yeah, i don't really know why i went into medicine, i regret it sometimes."
"what don't you like about it?" i ask
"talking to patients, taking histories, doing physical exams, rounding, yeah, i just hate it all. i think i'm going to be radiologist."
ain't that great
5. the abbreviations are extereme in ob/gyn. an entire note of just abbreviations get you through this. words like TAHBSO are commonly used
6.favorite moment during ultrasound rounds:
would you like to know the sex of the child?
ok, let's see if the med student can do it
I see this between the femurs, so it's a boy
Yes...!says the dad
actually, no, it's a girl... sorry, reza, that's the umbilical cord there, not the penis or scrotum,
the stories go on and on and on people but something tells me that psych will be even twice as in teresting.