From Paris to Med School, you'll always know what's happening with my life on this website.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

On medicine

well, internal medicine, the most important rotation, started today. what a mess. i show up in la jolla in the morning. then drive to hillcrest twenty miles away for hospice only to find out i'm actually supposed to be in la jolla for cardiology so i go to la jolla but by the time i get there there are no more pateints and i shadow a doc for an hour and leave and go back to hillcrest for clinic where i saw a whooping single patient who had asthma, and then also turned out to have a wierd rash, and oh yeah, some pre-diabetes, plus hypertension, and then of course like always, some psych history. a simple asthma visited took FOREVER, by the end i was just exhausted because damn, get your ass in shape, get a job, and take care of your body people! anyways, after clinic i again returned to la jolla for lectures, which is where i am as i write this, and in ten minutes i go back to hillcrest to go home meaning i drove over two hours today! yay!


so my family again participated in the persian invasion of vegas during christmas season because well, that's just how we do. the new fall Diesel jeans line up I must say is quite impressive.